Sweet Pea 'Lunar Blue'
Sweet Pea 'Lunar Blue'
Lathyrus odoratus
Lunar Blue begins as a nearly pure white bloom with subtle blue iridescence, fading to light, antique dusty blues and finally deepening into a rich tropical sea blue in a vase. This grandiflora type offers spectacular colors and fragrance—a true “blue version of antique dusty rose.” Released by Uprising Seeds in 2019, it’s an extraordinary, surreal beauty.
*Seeds will come packaged in coin envelopes instead of the paper tubes.
Plant type: annual, can re-seed
Height: 6-8 feet
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 75-85 days
Plant spacing: 6-8”
Kids, Pets, and Deer: toxic, deer resistant
Indoor & Pots: grows well in large containers outside with support
Approx seeds per packet: 10