Rhodanthe chlorocephala
A flower that dries wonderfully and last a long time in the vase.
Helipterum is also known as Acroclinium, immortelle, paper daisy, Australian everlasting, and everlasting daisy.
Plant type: Annual
Height: 18-24”
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 55-65 days
Plant spacing: 6-8”
Pinch: not necessary
Kids, Pets, and Deer Resistance: non-toxic, deer resistant
Indoor & Pots: grows well in large containers outside
How to Grow:
Transplant (recommended): Sow 6-8 weeks before planting out. Cover seeds lightly as light is aids germination. Sow seeds every 2"; thin seedlings to 6-8" apart. Transplant after all dangers of frost have passed.
Direct Seed: Sow after last frost.
Germination: 14-21 days at 65-75°F
Where to plant: Plant in the sun into well drained soil.
Harvesting/Vase Life: Fresh or dried - Before flowers are fully open. Flowers continue to open after cutting. Hang to dry.