Hyacinth Bean 'Ruby Moon' (Dolichos lablab)
As a gardener, you simply must grow this hardy climber that boasts season-long color. The plant features striking purple stems and produces beautiful lilac-rose flowers that resemble peas. Once the blooms fade, the vine produces shiny magenta pods measuring around 2-3 inches, adding a unique, textural element to any bouquet.
This versatile climber is perfect for arbors, walls, fences, and trellises, providing a quick and attractive cover.
But that's not all - both the flowers and beans are edible, though it's best to boil the mature seeds twice before consuming.
Plant type: Tender Perennial
Height: 12-15 feet
Site: full sun
Days to maturity: 110-120 days
Plant spacing: 12”
Pinch: not necessary
Kids, Pets and Deer: non-toxic, deer resistant
How to Grow:
Transplant: Sow seed ½” deep 4-6 weeks before last frost into 4 inch pots; transplant after all danger of frost has passed. Provide a trellis or study support for vines to climb.
Direct seed: after last frost, sow about 6 seeds per foot ½” deep.
Germination: 5-12 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C)
Where to plan:
Plant in full sun in moderately fertile soil.
Harvesting/Vase Life:
Harvest after the flowers have faded and beans have formed. Expect a vase life of 7-10 days. Flowers can be harvested fresh and used in salads and on top of cakes.